The following flags represent germany or one of its predecessors.
Berlin Wintergarten Swastika Flah. A street scene showing displays of the olympic and german (swastika) flags in berlin, site of the summer olympic games. Feels like a nice, durable flag on par with other flags in this price range i have bought.
A man unfurled a swastika flag at the bernie sanders rally in phoenix thursday night. Rlb flags are rarely seen and this flag of course would make a very fine addition to an advanced rlb collection. These flags can be used as is or as inspiration.
Eine bauanleitung zum wintergarten selber bauen zeigt, wie dies in pfosten riegel konstruktion in holz aluminium hergestellt werden kann.
Swastika flag in an exhibition for horticulture in berlin, 1933. I also believe that if the loser @ss politicians in berlin had any ball's, they would allow the national socialist german workers party. This very heavy, wool tapestry measures about 5 feet by. Historically speaking, norway's flag used the singular yellow nordic cross on a red background, but i decided to add the hirden cross (without the two swords) to it so make it pop a little better and have some extra of.